Financial Coaching For Your Employees

Get the most from your team by investing in them.

Smart finances require a smart approach - see why we’re leading the way in financial coaching.


Financial Coaches: The smart approach.

Our approach to Financial Coaching is a mix between a Financial Advisor, Accountant and a Life Coach. Our aim is to help employees take control of their finances, feel positive about their future and better equipped and motivated to tackle financial challenges head on.

Our experienced Financial Coaches use the ‘SMART’ approach to help create a plan for each individual employee. We offer financial coaching in a variety of workshops at your workplace and individual financial coaching sessions by phone or face-to-face.

Why the ‘SMART’ Approach Works:

  • Specific: bespoke, based upon their own financial circumstances

  • Measurable: Agree the money outcomes – have they been met?   

  • Attainable: Financial goals must be realistic - based on their available resources

  • Relevant: It must reflect their unique financial priorities  

  • Time-sensitive: Different financial needs tend to have significance as we age - see below


Money Milestones

The money milestone guide outlines the ideal approach to financial well-being from aged 20 all the way up to retirement.

Only 25% of Irish people feel that their financial situation is secure
— CCPC 2018

Over 75% of Irish people don’t consider their financial situation To Be secure

At Financial Health, we take a simple 3-step approach to not only improving financial wellness, but to helping individuals put steps in place to work towards a healthy financial future.



The first step to financial health is awareness. Our financial coaches will demonstrate to employees how good financial practices can help to make their take-home pay go further, regardless of their age, status or income group. However, awareness is just the beginning.


Our approach to employee financial education is that it needs to be thought provoking & motivational, but as comprehensible (yet comprehensive) as possible. Financial education is a connected process, not just an event!

Our financial seminars, workshops and webinars are all engaging. Attendees will feel comfortable, and no matter the topic, it will be jargon free & enjoyable. Most importantly, everyone will leave inspired, with a list of action points aimed at improving their financial lives.


Each financial wellness programme encourages participants to take action. We know that unless we can help employees improve their financial behaviour, their financial health will not improve, long-term, and the same financial concerns and worries will recur.

Sustainable behavioural change is always the biggest challenge in any health & wellness programmes as employees need both the ability and the motivation to effectively achieve behavioural change.


Find Out More On Our Financial Coaching Options

Remote and on-site:




Financial Coaching


1-To-1 Clinics

Terry+Abbott Financial Coach.jpg
We offer a smart approach to financial health that has a real, positive impact on peoples bank balances
— Terry Abbott, Financial Coach

Why work with us?

To get started, fill out the form below and we'll be back to you shortly. If you’re unsure is this service is right for you, send us a message - we’d be happy to help and discuss the options.

Independent & Impartial Advice

We work for your employees – not a bank! We’re free to recommend the best services available from all banks & financial institutions who work with impartial advisors.

Ongoing Open Communications

Our financial EAP service is available for all your employees and their partners. Once they get in touch, our advisors we’ll quickly come back with recommendations and advice.

Goal Setting Guidance

Our financial EAP services will help your employees set clear financial goals. In our experience, individual employees have a great deal of trouble establishing appropriate, realistic and manageable goals. Often they don’t even know what they should be concerned with or what they want to accomplish.

Age Protection

Research confirms what most of us have seen among our families and friends. The ability to make effective financial decisions declines with age. At Financial Health, we can guard you against this risk.

Clear Reporting

Rather than trying to overwhelm you with unnecessary information, we provide you with an understandable and concise view of your investment performance through our website and our regular statements.


Unsure what’s right for you? Let us Help.

Ask a question below or request a callback - you’ll receive a prompt response with sound advice.
